Lauren Moore



Dramatic rainy days, stoic mountains and the nurturing sea come together as my muse. These things drive my desire to recreate them, all the while filling me with healing and new energy.

I am Lauren, a being obsessed with the natural world. For most of my life, I’ve lived in hot, sunny climates, so when I first experienced the climate that is Vancouver, the vast mountains and rainforest residing next to the ocean, I instantly fell in love. 

I moved to Vancouver in 2013 after I had just been accepted to the Florida State University's BFA program.  I had to come to terms that I was giving up something quite promising in all likelihood but I took the chance and applied to Emily Carr University of Art and Design.  I was accepted to their program enabling me to continue my pursuit of a BFA but in a new country, new residence and new school.

 In all honesty, I struggled during my time at Emily Carr. Finding myself dealing with a massive creative slump, it made my time there quite difficult. I opted to take some time off school until I could figure things out. In 2018, returning to complete my degree, I wasn't sure I would pursue painting as a career but all that changed once COVID hit. My partner and I jumped in the car and went on a three month road trip exploring British Columbia, Yukon and Alberta. Spending that time in Nature, rekindled my interest in painting again.

Today, I am painting again and loving every minute of it. I am an abstract landscape artist. I primarily work with oil paint, however, I enjoy pulling out the watercolours from time to time. I want to create art that draws people to the stillness I feel when I am outside away from the city noise. I want my work to fill others with the magic of nature.

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